Why did you choose your career / study programm

When I was a little girl, I lived with my grandparents. I always said when I turned into a adult I would take care them when they were old. I of dreamed being the best doctor for my grandparents and give them a good life with the money could I can have with this job. But when I went to the high school, I realized I didn´t like biology subject, so I couldn´t study that career. So that in the high school I took humanist programm.  I started to realize I liked the social science like literature, economy, psychology and the other things. But when I prepared myself for the PSU I thougth that the social science could be more a hobby and not my future. After that, I decided to study a career that had chemistry, mathematics, etc. I searched many careers with this characteristic and I found the faculty of chemical and pharmaceutical sciences of the University of Chile, which had careers that I like. After taking the test, I applied to the food engineering career first because it was the only one wich  caught my attention the most. Besides, I always wanted to enter the University of Chile. In the end I achieve it!! Now I´m so happy beacuse I love my career, it is difficult and I have to study a lot but it is a challenge but I like that. My family is very happy for me and my grandparents just want to see me achieve my goals and they aren´t angry because I wasn´t a doctor jaja. Finishing the career I would like to work in a laboratory in quality control but I´m happy working in any area of my career.


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